
Live-Work Studio December 10, 2020

This is a live-work studio. The roof layers will accommodate a moonlight garden. Revit is the software tool for developing this concept stage.

Peace Center

Peace Center December 10, 2020

Red Water Pond Road is a Diné community affected by the Cold-War era legacy of uranium mining by the United States Federal Government and corporations. It is also the site of the largest uranium spill in history. Residents are still dealing with radioactive air emissions and water pollution while continuing to petition the Federal Government to remediate the affected land. Community members have developed strategies to protect their health and resources. One strategy is building a Peace Center that welcomes…

ARCHIVED December 10, 2020

Archived works include collaborative design projects with Curators Without Borders (CWB) and concept study for Landscape Architecture Studio at the University of New Mexico, School of Architecture + Planning. Design tends to be a collaborative and communicative endeavor where knowledge systems from many sources converge to draw lines of invisible causality toward the benefit of living systems. Landscape Architecture addresses the need to resituate humanity within ecology and living systems within an ethic of respect and responsibility. Well-being and sustainability…

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